23 Jun Urban Music (Rap & Beats) Summer Camp
GMCBeats Workshops is running a 5 day music summer camp in partnership with Music Generation Cork City from Monday 3rd to Friday 7th...
GMCBeats Workshops is running a 5 day music summer camp in partnership with Music Generation Cork City from Monday 3rd to Friday 7th...
Three teenagers from Mayfield Foróige in Cork, Trisha Sexton, Paul Woods (MC Woodssy), and Shane Keane will perform their new song live on...
10 schools around the country that worked with GMCBeats Workshops to produce rap lyrics, poetry and songs performed their work at University College...
Another award for a song and music video made at a GMCBeats rap, beats & songwriting workshop! The Mayfield Group were awarded "Ones to...
Featured in the Irish Times, Dublin school takes top prize in National Youth Media Awards. Overall winners of the Drugs.ie “Let’s Talk About Drugs”...
A few mad busy but inspiring days of rap, beats and songwriting workshops...
I Like It (Webwise Safer Internet Day Rap Lyrics for Schools) Here are the tracks with lyrics to both the English and Irish versions...
[caption id="attachment_1257" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Garry at the Music Generation / GMCBeats Studio Kabin in Hollyhill[/caption] I just want to wish everyone that I've worked...
Delighted to announce this year's summer camp at the Music Generation Studio Kabin in Knocknaheeny. Participants will get the chance to write rap...
After reaching the finals of the Song for 16 competition last month, I want to say congrats and best of luck to...