21 Nov New Song & Video for Drug Awareness Month 2017
Youth Work Ireland Cork (YWIC) have launched a brand new track & music video for Drug Awareness Month 2017. This track and video was produced by Garry McCarthy from GMCBeats. The track was created and written by young people, aged between 15-18, who attend the weekly ‘Rap, Songwriting & Beats’ group, every Tuesday at YWIC in The Hut. Young people in this group received information from a number of drug & alcohol workshops that where delivered by the local Drugs Worker, Therese Spillane & Youth Worker Joe Curtin.
This project was funded by the Cork Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force. The aim of Cork Drug & Alcohol Awareness Month is to raise awareness and signpost information so that communities, families and professionals know where to go for assistance or information on drug and alcohol services. People are encouraged to attend relevant events and to promote these events to service users, community members and professionals. A number of events will be taking place throughout the month including the launch of this new track and music video ‘Blacken My Soul’.
Young people from YWIC decided to educate their peers about the dangers of drug abuse. The young people attended extra workshops facilitated by the local drugs worker where they discussed the different issues that affect people who abuse drugs. The group also met with a person who was in recovery and has a first-hand experience of the dangers of drug abuse. He spoke about his life and experiences and while it shocked the young people, it inspired some of the lyrics on this track. The young people wrote and created a rap song about their learnings, and the negative consequences drug use can have on a person’s life.
Youth Work Ireland Cork is a community based not for profit youth organisation based in Gurruanabraher/Churchfield in the Northside of Cork City. YWIC’s aim is to provide a community based response to young people’s needs by offering them the opportunity to contribute to and participate in social education, artistic and recreational activities. The work of YWIC is funded by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Cork Education and Training Board, Cork Local Drug and Alcohol Service & is also supported by Music Generation Cork City. Youth Work Ireland Cork supports a number of projects including the Art & Creativity – Youth Work Ireland Cork & UP Cork LGBT Youth Project.